Press Release

El Latino Victory Project Urge a los Latinos de California a Registrarse para Votar, Se Aproxima la Fecha Limite

Washington, D.C.-La vicepresidente de campañas de el Latino Victory Project Lizet Ocampo hizo un llamado hoy para que los Latinos que residen en el estado de California se registren para votar, ya que la fecha limite es el 20 de octubre de 2014. “Los Latinos debemos votar para que se escuche nuestra voz en las […]

El Latino Victory Project Urge a los Latinos de California a Registrarse para Votar, Se Aproxima la Fecha Limite Read More »

With Deadline Approaching, Latino Victory Project Reminds California Latinos to Register to Vote

Washington, D.C. — With the October 20, 2014 deadline to register to vote, Latino Victory Project President Cristóbal Alex today encouraged Latinos across California to register to vote so that their voices are heard on Election Day. “There are not enough Latinos in office in California, and yet the state has the highest Latino eligible

With Deadline Approaching, Latino Victory Project Reminds California Latinos to Register to Vote Read More »

El Latino Victory Foundation, National Education Association, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, y Organizaciones Latinas Se Unen Para Movilizar Electores en Visperas de Medidas Anti-Inmigrantes

El compromiso llega durante una junta para conmemorar el vigésimo aniversario de la propuesta 187 en California (Phoenix, AZ)-El Latino Victory Foundation, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, National Education Association, y Labor Council For Latin American Advancement/National Hispanic Leadership Agenda se congregaron hoy para movilizar a los electores Latinos en todo el país

El Latino Victory Foundation, National Education Association, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, y Organizaciones Latinas Se Unen Para Movilizar Electores en Visperas de Medidas Anti-Inmigrantes Read More »

Latino Victory Foundation, National Education Association, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Leading Civil Rights and Labor Organizations Join Together to Mobilize Voters in Wake of Anti-Immigrant Efforts

Commitment Comes on Heels of Convening To Reflect on the 20th Anniversary of Anti-Immigrant Legislation in California (Phoenix, AZ)— The Latino Victory Foundation, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, National Education Association, and Labor Council For Latin American Advancement/National Hispanic Leadership Agenda gathered today to mobilize Latino voters across the nation to fight anti-immigrant

Latino Victory Foundation, National Education Association, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Leading Civil Rights and Labor Organizations Join Together to Mobilize Voters in Wake of Anti-Immigrant Efforts Read More »

El Latino Victory Project Hace un Llamado Urgente a los Latinos en el Condado de Kern: Hay Que Salir a Votar

Washington D.C.—Las votaciones tempranas en el condado de Kern inician el 6 de octubre de 2014, motivo por el cual la vicepresidenta del Latino Victory Project Lizet Ocampo hizo un llamado hoy a los Latinos que residen en Kern para que salgan a votar. También recordó a los votantes elegibles que aun no se han

El Latino Victory Project Hace un Llamado Urgente a los Latinos en el Condado de Kern: Hay Que Salir a Votar Read More »

With Early Voting Beginning on Monday, Latino Victory Project Reminds Los Angeles County Latinos to Make Their Voices Heard

Washington, D.C. — With early voting beginning on Monday, October 6, 2014 in Los Angeles County, Latino Victory Project President Cristóbal Alex today urged Latinos across the county to make their voices are heard on Election Day. “There is no question that Latino representation in elected office is not reflective of the size of our

With Early Voting Beginning on Monday, Latino Victory Project Reminds Los Angeles County Latinos to Make Their Voices Heard Read More »

El Latino Victory Project Hace un Llamado Urgente a los Latinos en el Condado de Los Ángeles: Hay Que Salir a Votar

Washington D.C.—La vicepresidente de campañas del Latino Victory Project Lizet Ocampo hizo un llamado urgente a los Latinos que residen en el condado de Los Ángeles para que alcen su voz y salgan a votar. “Si queremos ver cambios positivos en nuestra comunidad Latina, el primer paso que debemos dar es ir a las urnas

El Latino Victory Project Hace un Llamado Urgente a los Latinos en el Condado de Los Ángeles: Hay Que Salir a Votar Read More »

With Registration Deadline Approaching, and Early Voting Beginning on Monday, Latino Victory Project Reminds Kern County Latinos to Make Their Voices Heard

Washington, D.C. — With early voting beginning on Monday, October 6, 2014 in Kern County, Latino Victory Project President Cristóbal Alex today urged Latinos across the county to make their voices are heard on Election Day. He also reminded eligible voters who are not registered that there is still time. In Kern County, the last

With Registration Deadline Approaching, and Early Voting Beginning on Monday, Latino Victory Project Reminds Kern County Latinos to Make Their Voices Heard Read More »

Latino Victory Project Urge a Latinos De Nevada a Registrarse Para Votar

Washington, D.C.—La vicepresidente de campañas del Latino Victory Project Lizet Ocampo hizo un llamado a los Latinos que residen en el estado de Nevada para que se registren para votar, ya que la fecha limite para registrase es el 4 de octubre de 2014. “Si queremos elevar los temas que afectan a la comunidad Latina,

Latino Victory Project Urge a Latinos De Nevada a Registrarse Para Votar Read More »

Latino Victory Project Urge a Latinos En Florida a Registrarse Para Votar

Washington, D.C.—La vicepresidente de campañas del Latino Victory Project Lizet Ocampo hizo un llamado a los Latinos que residen en el estado de Florida para que se registren para votar, ya que la fecha limite para registrase es el 6 de octubre de 2014. “Necesitamos incrementar la representación Latina en Florida, y podremos lograr esto

Latino Victory Project Urge a Latinos En Florida a Registrarse Para Votar Read More »

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